Does the new law affect the way to claim insurance? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Does the new law affect the way to claim insurance?

Does the new law affect the way to claim insurance? Ron De Santis, Governor of Florida, recently ratified with his signature the law SB76 on the insurance that took effect on July 1. The idea of ​​this legal norm is to reduce the amount of litigation for claims to insurance companies by reducing the deadlines for making claims for damage to homes and prohibiting certain practices commonly used by contractors, roof repairers, and regulating the commissions that lawyers charge, among other modifications.
The law is clear, prohibiting so-called public adjusters or appraisers and contractors from making announcements offering financial incentives to homeowners to authorize them to conduct a roof inspection to file an insurance claim for the damage found. These irregular claims cost insurers millions of dollars and hampered the development of fair claims.
This does not mean that if, after a hurricane or storm, the roof of your property is damaged, you cannot make a claim with your insurer.
Sure you can. Just remember that in the event of damage, almost all policies warn that the insured has an obligation to mitigate it. That is, if a storm throws a tree against the roof of your house and it causes a leak or a window break, you must take urgent measures so that the problem does not go further.
In some cases, you will have no choice but to call a repair company. Of course, before doing so, document all the damage, take photos and videos that demonstrate the existence of the problem.
Then file the claim as specified in your policy. Note that the new law shortened the legal period for claiming insurance to two years. So don’t rest on your laurels. Does the new law affect the way to claim insurance?
If you want cheap home insurance, call Univista Insurance and they will have the best options available on the market.

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