Eight steps to master to claim homeowners insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Eight steps to master to claim homeowners insurance

Eight steps to master to claim homeowners insurance. The insurance policy is like a sword that one draws when danger lurks. We already know that it protects us from fires, thefts, acts of vandalism, short circuits, if a hurricane breaks our roof, or throws a tree over the fence of the house or garage. As the old gurus say in the movies: “My son, it is not enough to have the sword. If you don’t know how to use it, it’s worth little.”
How to make a claim to the insurance company?

  1. Know the policy
    The first detail, before making a claim, is to study your policy to find out what damages are covered by it. You should be familiar with different terms that appear there, such as deductibles, replacement cost, or actual cash value, and understand how insurers calculate payment.
  2. Document loss or damage
    If the house suffers damage and this is protected in your policy, it is essential to document it well. For example, if due to a fire, the roof was burned, the walls were damaged, and the windows were broken, it is necessary to list and photograph all the damage, including personal property that was lost during the incident. If the damage suffered is due to an act of vandalism, then you must call 911, add the police report to your claim, in addition to your own photographs and evaluations.
  3. Contact the insurance company
    In each insurance policy there is a number to go to make claims. It is recommended that this number be saved in the memory of your cell phone. Usually, when you call, the company will share a form where you must explain everything that happened and you can download photos of the damage.
  4. Appraiser
    The insurer will send an appraiser to the house. This professional will analyze the damage and send the result of his study to the company.
  5. Repair
    After the appraiser’s visit, you should immediately make any necessary repairs to protect your home from further damage. The appraiser may advance you a check for those jobs. Document the arrangements, it is recommended to save each invoice and pay by card. If you cannot live in the house during the repairs, most policies cover the stay in the hotel where you have to stay, keep proof of the expenses incurred on those days.
  6. Deductible
    Remember that each contract contemplates a deductible. That is, the money that the owner of the house must pay, yes or yes, before any covered damage. To continue with the same example, if the fire damaged the roof, and the deductible is $5,000. You will have to pay that amount and the insurance company will take care of the rest of the expense that the repair entails.
  7. Take care of your claim
    Within a reasonable time after the claim, you should receive the compensation check to begin repairs. If in two weeks you have no reason from your insurer, insist.
  8. Agreement
    When all the damage information is gathered, the insurance company will send you a compensation offer. If it meets your expectations, accept it. Otherwise, ask for a review with all the documents that have been collected. Remember to consider terms, replacement cost, and actual cash value.

At Univista Insurance you can get the cheapest home insurance in Florida and also answer any questions you may have about your insurance policy. Eight steps to master to claim homeowners insurance.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also quote for free here.