Business insurance on the digital world | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Business insurance on the digital world

Business insurance puts its emphasis on the digital world. Small businesses have been one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. We could say that, despite government aid, COVID-19 wiped out nearly 100,000 small businesses across the country.
The surviving companies can barely pay the bills. That is why employers seek to release as much ballast as possible and are increasingly selective when hiring their insurance. Due to the deterioration of the economy, they are more interested in the price of premiums and dispense with all coverage that they do not have very clear.
In the current circumstances, merchants will be ready to acquire more affordable commercial insurance packages that include coverage in digital commerce, to which they have had to adapt in record time, forced by a pandemic.
We have seen how millions of businesses have begun to serve their clients via Zoom, holding practically all their meetings and negotiations on digital platforms. Online, they share documents, sign, and close negotiations.
They also use telematics both to issue invoices and to pay the payroll of some employees who telework.
In this context, small businesses want their information, their data, and their transactions to be protected by their commercial insurance. Business insurance puts its emphasis on the digital world.
Univista Insurance designs a commercial insurance package that covers the specific needs of each company. And, of course, it takes into account the dangers that lurk in the virtual world.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.