End of the year: the best time to buy a second-hand car | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

End of the year: the best time to buy a second-hand car

End of the year: the best time to buy a second-hand car. All markets have their good season. In the second-hand car market, the best time is the end of the year. If you’re thinking of buying a used car, it’s time to visit the dealers.
Everything has an explanation, between August and September, the new models begin to arrive, the cars of the following year. This arrival increases the number of vehicles in the dealers’ inventory. For this reason, second-hand vehicle prices begin to drop to make room in garages. On the other hand, people who want to buy a new model sell their used vehicle around this time, which further increases the supply of second-hand vehicles. And as the saying goes: when supply exceeds demand, prices tend to fall.
Another factor in lowering used car prices is that sellers, at this time, are struggling to meet their annual sales goals and will be more willing to let the customer take the car for a lower price.
In short, although this time is the best time to buy a second-hand vehicle, before going to the dealership you should investigate on your own the prices of the model you want to buy on the different websites, and in specialized magazines. This way you will know when you are really doing a good deal or if you should get up from the table and find another dealer. When you go to buy a car, call a Univista Insurance agent and he will get you the cheapest insurance on the market. End of the year: the best time to buy a second-hand car.

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