Four Current Small Business Trends | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Four Current Small Business Trends

Four Current Small Business Trends. One of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that small businesses must increase their digital presence. Therefore, entrepreneurs who seek to succeed with their businesses follow four market trends.

  1. Physical-Digital Integration
    Small companies adapt to seek physical-digital integration. That is, offer your products or services both physically -in a store or office- and digitally -through the web-.
    This is how we see restaurants that show their takeaway menu, on web pages or through platforms such as Uber Eat, Delivery Dudes, or GRUBHUB. The small neighborhood store is very fashionable, whose presence on the networks allows it to send its products to the homes of increasingly distant customers. It is the same case the Handyman companies that offer their services via the internet, where they show catalogs of the work they do and the prices as if they were a large company.
  2. M-commerce
    One of the great challenges for these businesses is to be closer to their customers. And how about being inside your pocket, within easy reach?
    For this, the small businessman opts for M-commerce or mobile commerce, which consists of facilitating transactions through mobile devices with friendly applications.
    So your customers can access your products at any time from their own phones.
  3. Social Commerce
    The third trend is the use of social networks as a sales and marketing channel. It is not a secret that many small businesses prefer to advertise on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok because it is where their customers spend several hours of the day.
  4. Cybersecurity and cyber insurance
    Just as physical stores have custodians and business insurance, online businesses are concerned about cybersecurity. Therefore, they hire expert services that take care of protecting their files and computers to avoid scams, keep customer information safe, and protect money transactions.
    On the other hand, it is key to have cyber insurance that protects you from theft of personal information, cyber attacks and covers you in case of legal claims or investigations related to the handling of customer data. Four Current Small Business Trends.

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