How do you insure your first car in Florida? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

How do you insure your first car in Florida?

How do you insure your first car in Florida? In the image of the American dream, a car always accompanies the house. At least in Florida, it’s hard to imagine someone living the American dream using public Transportation. That’s why the first savings of those who come to the US are usually earmarked to buy a car. It can be something other than particularly good or the latest model; Transportation is enough. In other words, it is a primary and older vehicle that gets you to work daily.
But the US is not only a land of opportunities; it’s also a land of laws. Likely, great opportunities are directly linked to compliance with the rules. Because the regulations stipulate that when buying a car, the person must register and insure it, and only then are they authorized to drive it.
Under Florida law, to drive, the vehicle must have insurance that includes at least $10,000 in Property Damage Liability (PDL) and another coverage called Personal Insurance Protection (PIP), which covers $10,000 in bodily injury protection.
You can still have $10,000 to protect yourself and be able to drive. You must purchase a policy that includes the mentioned coverages to ensure that your insurance company will be responsible for up to $10,000 for damages you may cause to other people’s property while driving your vehicle. In other words, if you crash into someone’s house, your insurance company will cover up to $10,000 of the damages caused. I think it’s worth clarifying that you’ll be responsible for anything exceeding that amount, and each insurance company sells these coverages at different prices.
On the other hand, the PIP policy will cover 80% of your medical expenses and those of the people traveling with you, regardless of who caused the accident, up to a maximum of $10,000 per covered person.
At this point, it’s worth noting that if you buy your car from a dealership through a loan, the lender usually requires other insurance coverages, such as Collision and Comprehensive, to protect the vehicle in case of an accident or damage due to vandalism or theft.
In summary, when you buy your first Transportation and want to save money on your car insurance, call Univista Insurance right from the dealership, and you’ll get the cheapest insurance available in Florida. Just to remind you, you decide on the insurance company and should look for the option that best meets your needs. How do you insure your first car in Florida?

Give us a call today for a full assessment! (305) 985-4126. You can also get a free quote here.