Beautiful Sailing Day Turn into Nightmare? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Beautiful Sailing Day Turn into Nightmare?

Sailing is one of the most pleasant moments in life. Knowing yourself floating in a comfortable boat, being able to enjoy the color of the sea, contemplate the city from a different perspective, visit the beautiful islands that surround us and marvel at the beauty of our surroundings is priceless. There is no doubt that sailing is one of the best hobbies human beings have.

But, what happens when we are enjoying ourselves on a boat and suddenly there is that noise that indicates that we have collided with an object? Yes, many boats while sailing, collide with sunken or semi-sunken objects. Although there is a GPS to guide them along safe routes, the tide carries large logs, wooden beams, oyster beds, old refrigerators, car wheels or buoys onto these tracks, especially after storms.

Some of these objects are not visible and can damage the boat and endanger the lives of those who occupy it. Upon impact, the boat could leak or break the engine, drift or spill fuel into the sea.
That is why it is important to have boat insurance, even if it is small. The policies will generally cover physical damage to the boat, third party liability, pollution liability, medical expenses in the event of an accident, personal property coverage, and towing and emergency assistance.

It is not difficult to have boat insurance. Just call Univista Insurance and the insurance specialists will guide you on how to best protect your boat.  If one day you go sailing and hit one of these objects, your only concern should be the well-being of your family, everything else is a matter of insurance.Do not let a beautiful sailing day end in the nightmare of having to pay large sums of money for damage to the environment, third parties, or the boat itself.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.