I have a good business, and the phone keeps ringing | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

I have a good business, and the phone keeps ringing

I have a good business, and the phone keeps ringing. Camilo opened a small pizzeria, whose strength is the fast delivery of family-sized pizzas, especially on weekends. “The phone doesn’t stop ringing. People call us to have pizzas delivered to their homes on weekends, and from Monday to Friday, it’s the office employees in the neighborhood who request pizzas.”
With so much success, Camilo had to hire four people to deliver the appetizing pizzas on motorcycles. They come and go non-stop for the 10 hours the business is open every day.
Two weeks ago, one of the employees was riding the motorcycle to make a delivery when, as he passed by a parked vehicle, suddenly it opened its door and the delivery driver couldn’t avoid hitting it. The poor young man fractured his leg and hip, and the motorcycle was completely wrecked.
After taking care of his employee, Camilo filed an insurance claim for the accident with his insurance company, who covered the medical bills as well as the damage to the motorcycle. Having the right commercial auto insurance policy for his pizza delivery motorcycles meant he didn’t have to put his personal finances at risk to cover the expenses caused by the unfortunate accident.
Once the scare was over, Camilo’s pizzas continued to flood the surrounding area of his business every day of the week. If Camilo had not had commercial auto insurance, this anecdote would have had a very different ending.
If you are looking for affordable commercial insurance that protects you from the risks of your business, don’t think twice and call Univista Insurance. I have a good business, and the phone keeps ringing.

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