Solar panels, does insurance cover it? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Solar panels, does insurance cover it?

I installed a solar panel, does homeowners insurance cover it? There are many benefits to installing solar panels on a property. The value of it is increased, you save on the electricity bill and we contribute with a grain of sand to the protection of the environment. But those panels don’t come cheap and living in a hurricane zone, many homeowners worry if they’re covered by homeowners insurance.
Well, the answer to this question is, as we always say, “it depends”. In general, if the panels are installed on the roof, they are part of the property, therefore they are protected, like the rest of the house, against fire, lightning, hurricanes, vandalism, etc.
However, if the panels are installed over a pergola or garage that is separate from the main structure of the house, they will be protected, but the coverage may be insufficient. Remember that in most policies the protection of the “other structures” is a percentage of the primary structure. Generally 10%, and this may not be enough to repair the damaged room and the panel as well.
If you plan to install a solar panel on your property, it is advisable to talk to your insurance agent. Although a priori the price of the premium should not be increased for the mere installation, when the price of the property rises, it is possible that it does have some influence. I installed a solar panel, does homeowners insurance cover it?
Don’t overlook that at Univista Insurance you can find the cheapest home insurance in all of Florida.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also quote for free here.