Insurance consequences of violating school bus stop signs in Florida | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Insurance consequences of violating school bus stop signs in Florida

Insurance consequences of violating school bus stop signs in Florida. In Florida, traffic laws are clear and strict regarding protecting children who use school transportation. According to state law, all vehicles traveling in both directions must halt when a school bus stops and deploys its stop sign.
However, if the road is divided by a raised barrier or a median at least five feet wide, only the vehicles traveling in the same direction as the school bus are required to stop.
As of May 2024, surveillance cameras were installed on over a thousand school buses in Miami-Dade to ensure compliance with this law. These cameras can capture the license plates of vehicles that illegally pass stopped school buses.
Under state law, passing a stopped school bus carries a minimum fine of $165. If the violator passes on the side where children enter and exit, the minimum fine increases to $265.
One consequence of this violation is that offenders must complete a driving improvement course, often called “traffic school.” Additionally, a conviction will add four points to their driving record. It’s crucial to note that accumulating too many points within a specific period can lead to a suspended driver’s license.
This violation can also significantly impact auto insurance rates. Insurers view this offense as severe and often respond by raising the premiums or even canceling the policy of the offending driver. Due to the dangerous nature of the violation, drivers who ignore school bus stop signs are considered high-risk.
Ultimately, respecting school bus stop signs is not just a suggestion but a legal obligation that protects the safety of students. The strict measures and new surveillance technologies implemented in Miami-Dade underscore the importance of adhering to this law. It’s not just about following the rules; it’s about ensuring everyone’s safety, especially our children’s. Insurance consequences of violating school bus stop signs in Florida.

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