Few days left for Obamacare 2021 | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Few days left for Obamacare 2021

Just a few days left to take advantage of Obamacare 2021. The current special enrollment period to obtain health insurance protected by the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obama Care ends on August 15.
If despite strong campaigns in recent months for people to get subsidized health insurance, you have not done so, know that you still have a few days to do so.
There are plenty of reasons for you and your family to take advantage of this opportunity and obtain health insurance that could cost you zero dollars a month. According to HealthCare.gov, 9 out of 10 people, who chose health insurance under Obamacare, received financial assistance and 75% of them managed to have a subsidized plan at $ 50 a month, or less.
Even 34% of those who signed up as of April 1, got policies that cost less than $ 10 a month, due to subsidies from the $ 1.9 billion American Rescue Plan, approved last March.
The strong financial boost that the current US administration has given to Obamacare has enabled 2 million Americans to take advantage of the special enrollment period to obtain very cheap or totally free health insurance. Just a few days left to take advantage of Obamacare 2021.
But the time to benefit from this unprecedented opportunity is running out. If you are interested in signing up for subsidized health insurance or want to upgrade your current coverage, you must call Univista Insurance before August 15th.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 964-8803. You can also quote for free here.