Light up the holiday joy with safe decorations | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Light up the holiday joy with safe decorations

Light up the holiday joy with safe decorations. The tradition of adorning our homes with lights during the holiday season has deep roots that trace back to ancient times. Every year, families worldwide delve into the task of transforming their homes into shimmering displays of light, creating a magical ambiance that inspires smiles and a shared sense of festive cheer.
As we immerse ourselves in this enchanting tradition, we must remember that safety is paramount to ensure unexpected accidents don’t overshadow our celebrations.
Here are some tips for safely decorating the exterior of your home during this holiday season:
Planning your holiday decor:

  • Plan your decorations while considering the number and location of available power outlets and avoid overloading them.
  • Use lights and extensions with tested safety credentials, looking for certification marks like UL, CSA, ETL, or other nationally recognized labs. LED lights are an excellent choice due to their lower temperature, energy efficiency, and longer lifespan.

Safe decorating:

  • Keep at least 10 feet between your decorations, equipment, and power lines.
  • Place decorations safely from flammable items and protect them from the weather.
  • Use wooden or fiberglass ladders when decorating outdoors to prevent electrical conductivity.
  • Unplug lights and decorations before performing maintenance tasks like changing bulbs or repairing.
  • Connect all outdoor lights and decorations to ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) to reduce the risk of electrical shock.
  • Secure lights, decorations, and cables to prevent wind damage, avoiding methods that could harm the wiring or insulation.

By following these tips, you can create a safe and magical environment to enjoy with peace of mind. We wish you a bright and joyful holiday! Light up the holiday joy with safe decorations.

Call us today for a full assessment! (305) 267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.