Marijuana can be detected in police control on the road | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Marijuana can be detected in police control on the road

Marijuana can be detected in police control on the road. Here is spring break. The students, after burning the midnight oil for months, come out in a rush to celebrate. Beach mornings and dance nights complete an endless loop that lasts a whole week of “rest”. Every minute of the day and night counts: “Sleeping is wasting time”.
“You have to eat it all, drink it all, and, why not, smoke it all. Those hookahs that do not always bring flavored tobacco are fashionable.
When it comes to getting around, it’s better to do it by Uber or taxi, but “what if we take advantage of my car?” said Alberto. “Total, it is cheaper and we can go the five. I promise you I didn’t have a single drink.”
The problem began when an agent stopped them on the road and detected that the driver was driving under the influence of marijuana.
The agents have some devices that detect if someone has used amphetamines, designer drugs, cocaine, cannabis, or methadone when they blow. At that point, the party is over.
Alberto thought he would get rid of the story that he uses medical marijuana. However, state law prohibits driving under the influence of drugs or controlled substances, such as marijuana, even if they are used medicinally.
Alberto was arrested that night and fined $500. But driving under the influence of marijuana is expensive, most insurers increase the price of premiums for customers who are caught driving intoxicated. A high fee that will follow them for several years. In addition to spending on lawyers in court. Marijuana can be detected in police control on the road.
Enjoy the holidays and avoid being at the helm, if you decide to drink or “fly”.

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