My child was born, now what? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

My child was born, now what?

“My child was born, open the balconies, drink rums, break whatever you want, I’ll pay for it.” This song by the salsa singer Rubén Blades is the best image I have found to reflect the euphoria that the birth of a child produces in Latinos.
But fatherhood is something beyond the exciting moment of birth, it is entering a new dimension of permanent responsibility, where the life of a new being is placed in our hands. Uff, just thinking about it, gives vertigo!
Parents have the obligation to feed, shelter, educate, and protect their children. In short, provide a verb widely used in the family context in the US.
Above all, because children grow up and become highly consumers of different life experiences, vacations, studies, games, sports, health services and we have to be by their side helping them all the way until they become men and self-employed women.
Have you ever thought about what would happen in the life of that little boy if we were to be absent? Do you have a Plan B?
It is very obvious that life is very vulnerable and the future is uncertain. A young parent can lose their existence in a thousand ways, in a car accident, with a heart attack, drowning on the beach, or sick with COVID-19. That distressing event should not be a financial burden on the development of a child.
So, what to do? There is a very powerful instrument that would guarantee that children have financial protection in the event that the father or mother dies. It is called Term Life Insurance and can be contracted for 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years.
With Term Life Insurance, a young father can guarantee his son a benefit of $ 300,000, just by paying $ 28 a month.
In other words, if the father died, the son would receive $ 300,000 as a beneficiary of the policy. As simple as that. My child was born, now what?
It is in your hands to be able to financially protect the future of that child who now plays innocently in a crib.
To better understand how to protect your child, call Univista Insurance and you will get all kinds of details, you can even take out Term Life Insurance in 15 minutes.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.