Obamacare 2021 Special Enrollment Period | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Obamacare 2021 Special Enrollment Period

Obamacare 2021 Special Enrollment Period starts. One of the worst consequences of the coronavirus is uncertainty. In the year in which millions of people lost their jobs, or had their income seriously affected, many people, unaware of what was next to come, decided to stay out of Obamacare. How to commit to a monthly payment, when the future is a great nebula?
However, with the appearance of the vaccine and the arrival at the White House of a new president, with more aggressive social policies, a new opportunity has opened for those who still doubt whether or not to enroll in the subsidized health insurance market.
For them, President Joe Biden ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to open a new enrollment period for Obamacare that will last 90 days, from February 15 to March 15.
If you are one of those people who lost your job, had your income reduced, hesitated, neglected, or simply missed the previous enrollment period, now you have another opportunity to enroll and ensure that you and your children have insurance subsidized by the federal government.
Do not miss this new opportunity, do not leave it until the last minute, and put health before other considerations. Keep in mind that with the emergence of the coronavirus vaccine on the scene, the economic and employment prospects should see a marked improvement. Obamacare 2021 Special Enrollment Period starts.
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