Obamacare: sign up today, tomorrow will be too late | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Obamacare: sign up today, tomorrow will be too late

Obamacare: sign up today, tomorrow will be too late. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today, says one of the most inspiring sayings against procrastination. Continuing to postpone doing the necessary things usually plays a trick on us. This is what is happening right now with the enrollment period for subsidized health plans that operate under the law known as Obamacare, open from November 1 to January 15. With just a few hours left before you miss your chance to start 2023 secure, continuing to postpone enrollment can have catastrophic consequences for many families. Since, in 2023, they could lack fully subsidized quality health insurance, which guarantees medical tests, hospitalizations, visits to the GP, mental health treatments, pregnancy, and pediatrics, among a number of benefits.
Many people dragged by the inertia of day-to-day have not set aside a moment to enroll in Obamacare. Neglect can have a very negative impact on the well-being of the family throughout the whole year.
“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” is not an empty or rhetorical phrase. In this case, it is a call almost in extremis for you to get away from everything you are doing and pick up the phone to contact Univista Insurance, before January 15, to enroll in a health plan that will protect you for a whole year. . Tick tock, tick tock, time continues to tick. Obamacare: sign up today, tomorrow will be too late.

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