Peculiarities of commercial auto insurance that you should know | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Peculiarities of commercial auto insurance that you should know

Peculiarities of commercial auto insurance that you should know. Businesses whose operations include the use of vehicles, whether owned or leased, are required to carry commercial auto insurance.
There are small business owners who, when hiring commercial insurance for their vehicles, focus more on the price of the policy than on the benefits of the insurance they are purchasing. However, the important thing is to know the scope of the coverage, the types of assistance that you can receive if you need it, and the deductible that you must anticipate in each claim.
That is, the liability policy must be appropriate to the risks of the company. You do nothing by purchasing liability insurance to comply with the law that is insufficient to cover even the smallest of claims. Everything you stop paying in the premium will be multiplied more than once in the event of an accident. The worst of all is that the invoice for the damages will have to be taken out of your pocket -from the company-.
It is also useful to take out an all-risk policy that covers damages that the vehicle may suffer that are not collisions, for example, vandalism, hail, or theft.
Many companies use rented vehicles to perform their services, however, they do not include them in the commercial policy. Even if these are not owned by the company, they should be covered by company liability insurance. The same if employees use their own vehicles to carry out a business activity.
When determining if the vehicle should be covered by a commercial policy, you should ask yourself who rents the vehicle, who drives it and what it is used for.
To have clear ideas when purchasing commercial vehicle insurance, you can call the Univista Insurance specialists who are available to answer your questions. Do not overlook that the cheapest commercial insurance in Florida can be found at Univista Insurance. Peculiarities of commercial auto insurance that you should know.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.