What insurance do I need to open a gym? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

What insurance do I need to open a gym?

In the US more than 45 million people have membership in some type of gym. Healthy living and sports are becoming more and more fashionable. We could say that the epicenter of the active lifestyle is the gyms, which, on the other hand, are a lucrative business opportunity.

Zumba, Cycling, Fitness, Swimming, Yoga, Bodybuilding, Kickboxing, CrossFit, TaeBo, Body Pump, or Pilates, the offer is so wide that it is very difficult that someone has not been tempted to sign up in one of these centers.

But like any other business, gyms must be insured to guarantee their normal operation. Statistics show that daily, at least 1,000 people receive emergency treatment in hospitals due to injuries originating in gyms. A reality that makes these businesses the target of frequent legal claims for civil liability or negligence.

The most advisable thing for this type of business is to have General and Professional Liability coverage, in addition to labor compensation coverage for its workers, another policy on the equipment, in case one fails and causes any damage to users.

But if you are considering opening a gym, or some other business, contact the specialists Univista Insurance so that they will guide you on which are the appropriate coverage. Remember that these will depend on the type of installation you have in mind, the services you offer, and the personnel that works there.

Take for granted that Univista Insurance specialists will guide you, step by step so that your business obtains all the coverage that guarantees your total protection.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.