Insurance for Latino Restaurants | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Insurance for Latino Restaurants

Insurance for Latino Restaurants. Latinos, wherever we go, we plant our culinary flag and flood the new place of residence with the flavors of our homeland.
This is how we place on the local map Guatemalan tamales and chuchitos, empanadas, arepas or pabellón criollo de Venezuela; ajiaco, fried snapper and coconut rice from Colombia; the exquisite Peruvian food, such as ceviche, ají de gallina, and potato a la huancaína; or the old clothes, the yuca with mojo sauce and the Cuban rice with chicken. The restaurants where our typical food is sold, our music is listened to and our drinks are consumed are a guarantee of success.
But like any other business, restaurants must have business owner insurance (BOP). This insurance package includes Commercial Property coverages that protect the physical damage of the commercial premises, Civil liability coverage to cover possible claims generated by third parties, the Company’s Income Insurance, which protects the business from unexpected interruptions, or Breakdown Coverage in case business equipment breaks down and needs to be repaired.
If alcoholic beverages are sold in the restaurant, you must include a Liability Coverage for the sale of liquor. In case one of the clients causes damage to property or to another person due to the consumption of alcohol within the facilities, the business is protected.
You should also have theft insurance, workers’ compensation, and other protections that Univista Insurance includes in a package when you purchase your insurance, to shield you against any type of lawsuit and protect you from all dangers related to your business. Insurance for Latino Restaurants.
Call Univista and you start grilling. Univista will control chance.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.