Should I get life insurance? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Should I get life insurance?

If you are already wondering if you need life insurance, the answer is clear: yes, you do. But, unlike most policies, where you call the company, provide the details, and get the contract, with life insurance the process is a bit different.
Most companies will require the person to answer several questions about her health status and undergo a medical examination. This will determine if someone is insurable or not. The key is to tell only the truth when answering the questionnaire. Any false information will invalidate your family members from receiving the death benefit.
The insurers, with this information, will evaluate the aspects that may influence the price of the premium, such as the age, sex, place of residence, and profession of the insured. As you understand, it is not the same to ensure a Formula One driver as a writer of children’s stories.
Afterward, it is the interested party who must choose the type of life insurance that she wishes to have. A term life insurance for 10, 15, 20, or 25 years, or any of the other variants, life insurance, permanent, with savings, or with life benefits.
If when you look at your children, the question, should I get life insurance, haunts you? It’s time to call Univista Insurance and talk with the specialists about the types of life insurance that can be good for your family.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 728-6352. You can also quote for free here.