Three main areas commercial insurance protects | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Three main areas commercial insurance protects

Three main areas that commercial property insurance protects. Business does not fall from the sky. Behind every venture are stories of sacrifice and hardship suffered by the owners, before the exciting day arrives when, for the first time, they lift the blind on their business.
But an undertaking, in addition to dreams, is made up of material elements that must be protected. The power to offer a certain service or product to customers depends on them.
Well, commercial property insurance is designed to help business owners protect all of the key assets for the company that is located in three main areas.
The first protected area is commercial property, that is, the building where the business takes place. In most cases, it does not matter if the premises are rented or owned. For example, a tire shop could catch fire. If the business has commercial insurance, the replacement of the damage to the building, which occurred during the accident, will be in charge of the insurance.
The second protected area is content. In other words, everything that is found within the workshop, restaurant, or office in question.
To continue with the same example, if the tire workshop suffers a fire, the insurance will replace all the tires that were in stock at the time of the fire. In addition, you will pay for the destroyed equipment, the compressor, the hydraulic jack, the tools, the cash registers, the computers, and everything that has been damaged within the workshop.
The third protected area is the exterior of the property. This includes advertising or identifying signs for the business, terraces, fences, gardens, satellite dishes, and outdoor streetlights. If the light sign that announces: “Pepe el gomero, the best workshop in Hialeah”, breaks in the aforementioned fire. The insurer will pay for that crankcase to shine again. Remember: who does not advertise does not sell. Three main areas that commercial property insurance protects.
It’s simple if those three areas are protected from theft, vandalism, fire, or natural disasters, you can put your head on your pillow and sleep like a baby. With the confidence that if something happens, your insurance will pay for it.
Don’t think twice, buy cheap commercial insurance, adjusted to the demands of your business at Univista Insurance.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-508-9575. You can also quote for free here.