Types of Dental Insurance: DPPO, DHMO | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Types of Dental Insurance: DPPO, DHMO

Types of Dental Insurance: DPPO, DHMO. Understanding the differences between the main types of dental insurance available can make you more efficient in ensuring oral health. Being told to choose between a DPPO or a DHMO for someone unfamiliar with the topic can feel like “speaking in a foreign language.”
To prevent this from happening to you, we present descriptions of the various types of dental insurance, along with their key advantages and disadvantages.
DPPO or Preferred Provider Organization: This is a broad network of contracted dentists and centers. Patients can choose where to go within or outside the network. Costs are typically lower within the network.

  • Greater flexibility in choosing dentists, even outside the network.
  • You don’t need a primary care dentist or referrals to see a specialist.
  • Reimbursements for out-of-network services.


  • Premiums and out-of-pocket costs tend to be higher than in other plans.
  • There may be an annual deductible before full coverage kicks in.
  • Out-of-network services may have less coverage, making them more expensive.

DHMO or Dental Health Maintenance Organization: Designed to keep costs lower, these plans focus on preventive care and encourage regular dentist visits.

  • Lower monthly premiums and predictable out-of-pocket costs.
  • There are no deductibles and low copays for most procedures.
  • Emphasis on prevention and preventive care.


  • Requires choosing a primary care dentist (PDC) within the network.
  • Referrals are needed to see a specialist.
  • Limited coverage for out-of-network services.

The choice of dental insurance type in Florida will depend on your individual needs, budget, and preferences. When deciding, consider your priorities regarding dentist choice, monthly costs, and coverage level. Proper dental insurance can help you maintain optimal oral health and prevent costly dental issues.
When you contact Univista Insurance, our specialists will help you get the best protection to protect your dental health and your entire family. Types of Dental Insurance: DPPO, DHMO.

Give us a call today for a thorough evaluation! (305) 227-9304. You can also get a free quote here.