Veteran: an advantage to open a business | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Veteran: an advantage to open a business

Veteran: an advantage to open a business. One of the biggest obstacles when starting a business is financing. For this reason, in the US, army veterans have a great advantage when it comes to finding the funds they need to materialize their businesses.
If you’re a veteran looking to get started as a consultant, electrician, mechanic, drone pilot, software developer, gardener, or cook, you’ll want to know that there are plenty of financial aid programs specifically for those who have served in the military.
According to the US Small Business Association (SBA), veterans own almost 2.5 million businesses in this country.
The most profitable business for any company in this world is to have Uncle Sam as a client. No matter what business you run, keep in mind that the federal government offers special considerations for veterans seeking government contracts. To do this, it is prudent to review the federal contract opportunities available in your type of business. SBA can inform you or you can search for opportunities yourself, by visiting the page.
Despite the aforementioned advantages, veterans, like any person who aspires to start a business, must meet certain requirements: choose the right business, register it, study the market, create business plans, understand legal obligations, obtain financing, choose the location and take out the best commercial insurance.
Put the latter in the hands of Univista Insurance, whose insurance specialists will be in charge of putting together the cheapest and most efficient commercial insurance package for the type of business you decide to develop.
Univista wishes you congratulations on Veteran’s Day! Veteran: an advantage to open a business.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.