What does my flood insurance not cover? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

What does my flood insurance not cover?

What does my flood insurance not cover? Floods are the most common and expensive natural disaster in Florida. Every year, this phenomenon affects a large number of houses. However, many homeowners are unaware that homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage.
In Florida, purchasing flood insurance is key. Understanding the scope of coverage, knowing what is covered and what is excluded, will allow you to act accordingly.
What Does Your Flood Policy Not Cover?
Most of the time, after a flood, the affected family needs a temporary residence to stay in while the repairs are made on the property. However, that accommodation is not covered by flood insurance. Nor is there the loss of income that the affected owner may suffer.
Flood insurance only covers losses caused directly by a natural event. If your house floods because you forgot to turn off the faucets, that damage is not covered by this insurance.
You will also not receive a refund for belongings, belongings, and appliances damaged by staying in the basement of the house during the flood of water.
The general cleaning that the property needs, after suffering a flood, are generally excluded. Like the loss of the plants in your garden, the damage to the swimming pool or jacuzzi, and the deterioration of the fence of the house.
Nor will you be able to claim loss of money, or precious metals, much less compensate for the loss of valuable documents. What does my flood insurance not cover?
However, if you live in Florida, in a flood risk area, don’t think twice and buy insurance. Remember, it only takes one inch of water to enter your home for damage to exceed $ 25,000.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-267-7138. You can also quote for free here.