What is the color of car that has the least accidents? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

What is the color of car that has the least accidents?

What is the color of car that has the least accidents? When buying a car we generally look at the security features it has. We count how many airbags it has, if it has ABS, traction control, stability control (ESC), we take into account the quality of the emergency brakes, if it is equipped with collision detection or blind spot sensors. But very few motorists take vehicle color into account as a safety factor. However, different studies indicate that there are safer colors than others.
According to a study by Monash University Accident Research Center, it is the white color that provides the most safety to vehicles. The logic behind this conclusion is that it is more visible at any time of the day and on rainy or sunny days.
The study specifies that white people are 12% less likely to be involved in an accident than a car painted black. In the security ranking, white is followed by yellow, orange and gold, in that order.
On the other hand, the least safe color is black, as it is more difficult to perceive, regardless of the weather conditions and the time of day. The other less safe colors are dark blues, grays, and some shades of red.
Despite the conclusion of the study, people have their own opinion when buying a car. 21.5% of motorists prefer vehicles painted white, 20.5% buy gray and 17% buy black vehicles. In the luxury range, 31.5% buy white cars, 25% black cars and 14% gray cars.
You know, if you are one of those who wants to have all security elements under control, do not overlook the influence of the color of your vehicle. Much less, the advantages of acquiring auto insurance with Univista Insurance. What is the color of car that has the least accidents?

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