Why is Total Life Insurance so interesting? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Why is Total Life Insurance so interesting?

Why is Total Life Insurance so interesting? The fundamental purpose of life insurance is to financially protect our loved ones. However, one of the concerns of people interested in buying life insurance is that the premium payment will increase over time. They fear that when they are old and retired, they will not be able to pay the premiums and will be forced to abandon the contract.
However, there is a type of insurance called Total Life Insurance -Whole Life Insurance- that guarantees the price of the premiums all the time. That is, the amount of the monthly payment will be the same, from the first payment to the last. A reality that provides an advantage to those people who take out life insurance when they are young and healthy.
Another advantage is that a part of the monthly payment can be used to invest and create an additional cash fund. This is apart from the death benefit, which is also guaranteed.
But the benefits do not end here. The insured, under certain circumstances, can withdraw part of the cash value of the fund or request a loan against her life insurance. With the peace of mind that, if you cannot repay the loan, the outstanding amount will be withdrawn from the death benefit agreed in the policy.
In short, Whole Life Insurance provides cash value to the insured, a loan can be obtained against the account, the costs of the premiums remain unchanged, and guarantees protection to the family throughout the life of the insured.
If you are interested in knowing more specific benefits, of this or another insurance, call Univista Insurance and they will be able to satisfy all your doubts. Why is Total Life Insurance so interesting?

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