Why order an inspection of the home I'm buying? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Why order an inspection of the home I’m buying?

Why order an inspection of the home I’m buying? One of the fundamental steps, when someone decides to buy a home, is the property inspection. An essential step since it allows to have greater certainty of the real state of the property. From the inspection, you will know how the basic systems are, such as plumbing, electrical, roof, shoes, windows, and appliances.
It is important to accompany the inspector when he performs his work and ask him all pertinent questions about the system or equipment that he is checking. You should inquire about the state in which it is, the cost of repair or replacement, and the useful life that remains. Remember that you are his client and you hire him precisely to clarify all your doubts with the opinion of an expert.
One or two days after the inspection, you will receive the technical summary along with documents called Four Points and Wind Mitigation, required by the lender and the insurance company. The desirable thing is that the inspector makes you a summary with simple words about his appreciation. “You must demand to fix the roof, you have to give maintenance to the air conditioners, if you don’t put the pipes to code, you won’t be able to secure the house.”
With that information, you and your real estate agent should develop a strategy to follow. If there are basic structures very deteriorated, they could abandon the purchase, or make it a condition that the seller repairs them or grant a credit for the cost of the repair.
It is also key that if during the purchase inspection basic indications are made -of the electrical system or the pipes, which constitute a danger to the house-, once repaired, you must order a re-inspection to verify that they were corrected and are updated in the documentation that you will present to the insurance company -Four Points and Wind Mitigation-. Keep in mind that if you don’t, the insurer could refuse to make you the policy and hinder the closing process. Why order an inspection of the home I’m buying?
If you are going to buy a property, speak with a specialized Univista Insurance agent who will accompany you throughout the process until you obtain the insurance for your home and, of course, the completion of the purchase.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also quote for free here.