Why should you consider enrolling in Obamacare? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Why should you consider enrolling in Obamacare?

Why should you consider enrolling in Obamacare? The open enrollment period for Obamacare has already begun, from November 1 through January 15, 2024. Still, some people may need clarification about the benefits of these health plans. Here are some reasons why you should consider enrolling:

  • Financial Assistance for Your Family: Those enrolling in health insurance plans under Obamacare will receive financial assistance through federal tax credits that help cover the monthly insurance premium costs. Nine out of ten people will qualify for these credits, and many will pay zero dollars in monthly premiums.
  • Reduced Out-of-Pocket Costs: Half of those enrolled will receive reductions in out-of-pocket costs, which can lower deductibles and other expenses.
  • Guaranteed Comprehensive Coverage: Insured individuals enjoy comprehensive coverage, meaning pre-existing conditions won’t impact premium prices or the type of coverage. In addition to covering prescription drugs, mental health treatments, and maternity care, policyholders receive free preventive care, including various annual check-ups.
  • Financial Protection with a Maximum Out-of-Pocket Limit: Health insurance protects enrolled families and individuals from bankruptcy by setting a maximum out-of-pocket limit. In 2024, the maximum personal out-of-pocket limit is $9,450, and for a family, it’s $18,900. This means that if you need surgery costing $50,000, the most you’ll pay is $9,450, and your insurance company will cover the rest. Also, if you have multiple treatments during the year, you’ll only pay up to the $9,450 limit.

There are different plans available on the market, each with specific features. If you want to find out which plan best suits your needs, all you have to do is get in touch with Univista Insurance before the open enrollment period for 2024 ends. Why should you consider enrolling in Obamacare?

Give us a call today for a thorough qualification! (305) 964-8803. You can also get a free quote here.