10 characteristics that a good car should have | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

10 characteristics that a good car should have

10 characteristics that a good car should have. We are subjected to the constant bombardment of advertising. We cannot deny that when we go to buy a car, the imposing images of those beautiful cars and the slogans they advertise on television parade through our minds: Mercedes, “The best or nothing”; Lexus, “Join the silent revolution”; “New perspectives, new sensations, used by Hyundai, or campaigns like those of Volvo, which put their emphasis on the environment.
However, a recent study whose objective was to determine what people look for when buying a good car established that they are interested in 10 fundamental characteristics in vehicles.
According to the study, 79% of buyers believe that security is important. 69% turn their attention to fuel savings. 67% put an emphasis on maintenance and 66% on reliability.
From here, requirements linked to aesthetics and comfort begin to appear. For example, 53% believe that the key is comfort, 52% weigh the finish, another 52% prefer it to be spacious and spacious, while 51% think respect for the environment is important. And finally, there are those who want a quiet and peaceful drive with 45% and 38% looking for driving to be pleasant and fun.
Unintentionally, the study reveals that, despite advertising, drivers prioritize their pockets before making a significant investment. But what would happen if after buying a car, an accident occurs and it is declared a total loss?
Although the study does not specify it, when observing the importance of safety for drivers, it is not difficult to establish that the majority will be inclined to purchase auto insurance whose protection guarantees their investment.
At Univista Insurance, you can buy the cheapest auto insurance in Florida and you will be guaranteed the two priorities that drivers are looking for: safety and savings. 10 characteristics that a good car should have.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 508-9575. You can also quote for free here.