12 tips to ensure safety in delivery businesses | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

12 tips to ensure safety in delivery businesses

12 tips to ensure safety in delivery businesses. Delivery companies -delivery- are becoming more and more popular. It is a business that has benefited from the development of new technologies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only in Florida, about 28,500 people are dedicated to the trade of home delivery, warehouses, or businesses.
Due to the boom in the delivery business, many criminals have targeted delivery vehicles. 12 tips to ensure safety in delivery businesses.
If you have decided to have your own delivery company, we share some safety tips so that everything goes smoothly:

  1. Drivers must be vigilant and check that they are not followed by other vehicles during their deliveries. In case you detect that a car is following you, it is advisable not to leave your vehicle, close the doors from the inside and continue driving towards a safe area, where there is a lot of traffic or a large shopping center. If the car persists in pursuit, then call the Police.
  2. Delivery vehicles must function properly, to pass this it is advisable to pass the required mechanical checks to avoid being damaged in the street loaded with goods.
  3. Instruct your drivers to park as close as possible to the drop-off point.
  4. They should avoid areas of the city that are not well lit.
  5. Close the vehicle well, when they have to leave the merchandise.
  6. If possible, avoid charging the service with cash. Implement the card payment policy only, especially if the delivery is overnight.
  7. Drivers must carry flashlights that allow them to illuminate houses or store numbers in dark areas.
  8. It is advisable to study a little the area where they are going, before making the delivery.
  9. Advise them to install surveillance cameras on the dashboard of the vehicle. They are very useful to prevent potential thefts and in case they happen, they serve to identify the thieves.
  10. If you work in very dangerous areas, consider that your delivery people do not wear a uniform.
  11. Do not rule out training your delivery men with preventive or defensive driving courses.
  12. You should not overlook the fact that you must protect your company with adequate, cheap, and efficient commercial insurance, for which we advise you to call Univista Insurance.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-728-2088. You can also quote for free here.