A calculation error worries some new owners | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

A calculation error worries some new owners

A calculation error worries some new owners. Most of the new owners, after the exciting vortex produced by the purchase of the house, realize that things were not as sweet as they thought and face a reality that was hidden behind the euphoria of the moment.
If the new owners previously lived for rent, they will soon understand that picking up the phone to call the “landlord” is a thing of the past. From now on, all incidents that occur in the house are your responsibility.
Let’s start with the simplest. They observe that the grass in the garden and the patio grows and grows. The plants that were so well trimmed begin to disfigure and the leaves of the trees do not stop falling. At that time many understand that they have to hire a gardener. Otherwise, spending long hours arranging the greenery around the house. Go through The Home Depot and acquire a lot of tools, which until then were unknown. Something similar happens when a toilet doesn’t flush or suddenly half the house goes dark. The new owner must act and, above all, must have a budget to deal with the inconveniences.
But not for the thing here, many are horrified when the first electric bills begin to arrive, “they are higher than I thought”. They raise their hands to their heads when they see the different repairs or reforms that must be undertaken. According to HomeAdvisor, 53% of new buyers need to repair the bathroom, 46% the kitchen, 38% the bedrooms, 34% the living room, and 13% the patio.
The same source asserts that 40% of new owners must repair the electrical system, 39% the pipes, 37% the roofs, 27% the floors, 27% the pipes, and 19% water damage problems.
Homeowners insurance is another bill that scares new owners quite a bit. And what to say, when they open the envelope where they tell you how much you have to pay in property taxes. There they receive the fatal thrust.
Our advice is that you try to create a reserve fund that allows you to face your new reality and those factors that you did not calculate. And if you want some respite, call Univista Insurance and they’ll find you the cheapest homeowners insurance in Florida. A calculation error worries some new owners.

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also quote for free here.