Are you new to Florida? Here’s what you need to know about auto insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Are you new to Florida? Here’s what you need to know about auto insurance

Are you new to Florida? Here’s what you need to know about auto insurance. In Florida, many people arrive from other countries with different traffic laws, and some face the uncertainty of driving for the first time. Understanding an auto insurance policy can confuse those who have never visited their home country. Here’s why it’s essential and what it covers.
Auto insurance is financial protection that kicks in case of accidents or damages to your vehicle. In Florida, having insurance to drive is mandatory. This insurance covers medical expenses, property damage, and legal liability in case of an accident.
Driving without insurance in Florida can have severe consequences. You might face significant fines, suspension of your driver’s license, and even impounding your vehicle. Furthermore, you could be responsible for paying medical and repair costs in case of an accident, which could be overwhelming.
You protect yourself, other drivers, and your vehicle by getting an insurance policy. Different coverage types, from primary liability to comprehensive coverage, include comprehensive damages and roadside assistance.
Driving in Florida is an enriching experience, but it’s crucial to understand and comply with the legal requirements. Getting auto insurance isn’t just a legal requirement; it’s an intelligent decision that provides security and peace of mind as you explore the roads of this beautiful state.
If you’re buying a car, contact Univista Insurance, where they’ll explain all the requirements and implications of different coverages and help you get insurance that best fits your needs and your wallet’s size. Are you new to Florida? Here’s what you need to know about auto insurance.

Call us today for a full evaluation! (305) 985-4126. You can also get a free quote here.