Climate Change: How Does It Affect Your Flood Insurance in Florida? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Climate Change: How Does It Affect Your Flood Insurance in Florida?

Climate Change: How Does It Affect Your Flood Insurance in Florida? Climate change is undeniable, and its effects are increasingly felt worldwide. One of the most apparent impacts in Florida is the rising frequency and intensity of floods. This raises an essential question for homeowners in the Sunshine State: how does climate change affect my flood insurance?
A recent example highlighting the importance of this question occurred on April 12, 2023, when Fort Lauderdale and its surroundings experienced a historic flash flood. In a single day, 25.6 inches of rain fell, inundating much of the city, including the airport.
This phenomenon, considered a once-in-a-thousand-year event, now appears to be happening more frequently due to climate change.
What’s alarming is that many of the affected properties lacked flood insurance. This left homeowners facing significant costs for repairing and replacing their belongings without the support of an insurance policy.
The lesson from Fort Lauderdale is clear: climate change is increasing Florida’s vulnerability to floods, and homeowners need to be prepared.
Flood insurance protects your home and belongings in extreme weather events like flash floods. Please do not underestimate the risks; safeguard your investment with proper flood insurance that backs you up during times of crisis, which we are increasingly witnessing. Your home and your family will thank you. Climate Change: How Does It Affect Your Flood Insurance in Florida?

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.