Considerations when choosing dental insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Considerations when choosing dental insurance

Considerations when choosing dental insurance. Most individuals who obtain dental insurance aim to maintain oral health at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, understanding the terms of the insurance contract is essential.
Typically, the monthly premium for dental insurance ranges from $35 to $70, which equates to between $420 and $840 per year, depending on the duration of the contract.
Typical dental plans use terms like deductible, copays, coinsurance, and annual maximum, which we explain below.
The deductible is the amount the patient must pay before coverage kicks in. If the contract specifies a deductible of $200 and the patient’s first treatment costs $190, the patient must pay the total cost of the treatment. They will be short $10 to trigger coverage. If the subsequent treatment costs $200, the patient must pay $10 towards the deductible, and the insurance will cover the rest. From then on, they won’t have to pay more for the deductible throughout the year.

Typical dental insurance coverage is 100-80-20. It covers 100% preventive treatments, check-ups, cleanings, X-rays, and diagnostic tests. It covers 80% of the cost of basic procedures, such as extractions, root canals, and fillings, and 50% of major procedures, such as crowns, bridges, dentures, and often implants. Cosmetic treatments, such as teeth whitening, are not covered.

A copay is a fixed amount that the patient pays for a visit to the dentist, usually around $20. Insurers typically do not charge a copay for preventive care.

Coinsurance is the percentage of the bill that the patient pays. For example, the insurance covers 80% of the bill in a primary treatment like a filling, while the client is responsible for the remaining 20%. If the filling costs $200, the patient pays $40 as coinsurance.

Annual Maximum
The policy’s annual maximum is usually between $1000 and $2000, and as the name suggests, it is the maximum amount of money the insurance will cover in a year. Once that limit is reached, the patient assumes the total cost of the treatment or can choose to wait until the following year.

In conclusion, paying attention to the copay and the annual maximum of their contract is essential if someone has many dental health issues. Otherwise, the emphasis should be on the deductible and the premium amount. Considerations when choosing dental insurance.

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