Is the guest room of my house insured? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Is the guest room of my house insured?

Is the guest room that I built in my backyard insured? It is typical for single-family homes in Florida to have other structures such as garages, guest rooms, and tool shops, separate from the main home. However, many homeowners are unaware that these structures are generally included in homeowners insurance.
If a tree fell on the guest room, garage, or broke the property’s fence, insurance could finance its repair.
Precisely for this reason, in most home insurance contracts, 10% of the coverage is intended to protect the structures separated from the main residence. In other words, if your homeowner’s insurance covers $ 450,000, separate structures in your home are covered up to $ 45,000. If wind, fire, or hail damage the structure, you just have to file a claim with your insurance company.
However, if you are thinking of adding a guest room, or a new garage on your property, in addition to requesting the corresponding permits, do not forget to speak with your insurance agent to recommend how to proceed according to your policy. and what structures may be excluded from insurance. Is the guest room that I built in my backyard insured?
Call Univista Insurance and you will find the cheapest and most efficient insurance policies on the market.

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