How to lower the price of homeowner's insurance? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

How to lower the price of homeowner’s insurance?

How to lower the price of homeowner’s insurance? One of the biggest concerns for homeowners in South Florida is the high price of home insurance. Many wonder what to do to lower the insurance premium in a market where everything is becoming more and more expensive. Perhaps these tips that we have grouped together here can help you pay, perhaps, a little less.
The first thing you can do is search among the different insurers on the market which one offers you the cheapest coverage. Another valid measure is to increase the deductible in your insurance contract. Keep in mind that the higher the deductible you pay, the lower the risk to the insurance company.
You could also try to bundle different insurance policies under one company. There is usually a discount for customers who insure their car and home with the same company.
There are some discounts associated with your own home security. For example, if you install surveillance cameras, burglar sensors on windows and doors, and smoke detectors, and this system is monitored 24 hours a day by a security company, you can get a discount.
Another idea is to decrease, as much as possible, the personal property coverage included in homeowner’s insurance. “Cover only the essentials.”
On the other hand, you can make home improvements, install impact windows, and update roofing and plumbing. There are government programs that help finance these upgrades.
Pay attention, if you are buying a home, our advice is to calculate the price of homeowner’s insurance, before closing, because this is usually an important bill that we often overlook. How to lower the price of homeowner’s insurance?

Call us today for a complete qualification! (305) 267-7138. You can also quote for free here.