It's crucial to have flood insurance in Florida for this active hurricane season | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

It’s crucial to have flood insurance in Florida for this active hurricane season

It’s crucial to have flood insurance in Florida for this active hurricane season. The start of this hurricane season is not just a trending topic in Florida; it’s an urgent concern. State and county authorities, along with mayors of various cities, have taken to the media to stress the need for residents to prepare. Meteorologists are predicting one of the most active Atlantic hurricane seasons in the past fifty years, making it crucial for everyone to be ready.
Hurricane season, spanning from June to November, is a critical period where hurricanes and tropical storms can bring heavy rains in short timeframes, quickly overwhelming drainage systems and causing floods. These floods damage properties and put residents’ lives at risk. For homeowners in Florida, having flood insurance is not just a prudent precaution; it’s an imperative necessity. The reality is that most standard home insurance policies do not cover flood damage, leaving homeowners vulnerable to significant financial loss. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), only 15% of homeowners in flood-prone areas have flood insurance, a statistic that underscores the potential risk.
If you’re a homeowner without flood insurance, you could face significant financial difficulties covering the costs of water damage to your home. With the predicted increase in storm and hurricane activity, the risk of flooding and the accompanying economic losses are higher than ever.
A recent study by the Insurance Information Institute reveals that the average annual cost of a flood insurance policy in Florida is about $700. However, this investment can save homeowners thousands of dollars in a significant flood. Given this year’s forecast, it’s more crucial than ever for homeowners to be prepared.
Our advice is to consider obtaining flood insurance seriously. It’s a financial protection measure and a safeguard for your peace of mind. Remember, being insured against floods isn’t just an option; it’s a responsibility to yourself and your family. It’s crucial to have flood insurance in Florida for this active hurricane season.

Call us today for a complete evaluation! 305-267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.