Protect your eyes at work | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Protect your eyes at work

Protect your eyes at work. According to the census of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, among the highest-risk jobs for eyes are those of construction contractors – those who perform masonry, welding, glass installation.
Every day around 2,000 American workers receive medical treatment due to eye injuries suffered in the workplace. These injuries are the leading cause of eye trauma, vision loss, disability, and blindness. They can even interfere with the ability to continue performing one’s own profession or normal activities.
In high-risk occupations such as construction, mining, carpentry, auto repair, electricians, plumbers, or welding, it is important to maximize eye safety. The use of appropriate protection, such as safety glasses, is recommended.
One of the recurring excuses of those workers for not using protective glasses is that they have vision problems and need to wear prescription glasses. However, there are optical shops that offer the service of prescription safety glasses that can protect against flying debris, hot sparks, rays, and splashes of molten metals.
If you work in any of these occupations where visual health is at risk and need prescription glasses, you may be interested in having vision insurance.
At Univista Insurance, you can get the cheapest vision insurance in Florida. Protect your eyes at work.

Call us today for a complete qualification! (305) 227-9304. You can also get a free quote here.