Sea level is a key factor in flood insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Sea level is a key factor in flood insurance

Sea level is a key factor in flood insurance. Bertha has been living in her house for seven years. When she bought it, one of the aspects that she took into account was that she should not be in areas at risk of flooding.
“This here has never been flooded,” the previous owner told him before selling it. Indeed, in the time that Bertha and her family have lived on the property, it has never been flooded.
She was therefore surprised when she, earlier in the year, received a letter from FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) telling her that she should purchase flood insurance.
Bertha thought it was a mistake and called FEMA, where they explained to her that in the agency’s new model, “Risk Rating System 2.0,” sea level rise was a determining risk factor and that the area where she lives is affected by sea level.
The new Risk Rating System 2.0 incorporates more risk variables, such as the frequency of floods, different types of floods -river overflow, storm surge, coastal erosion, and heavy rain-, the distance to the water source, the location of the property on the land and the cost of reconstruction.
This homeowner will have no choice but to purchase a flood policy to continue protecting her dream home. Sea level is a key factor in flood insurance.

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