Smart Homes: safer and more efficient | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Smart Homes: safer and more efficient

Smart Homes: safer and more efficient. The 21st century has also come to home security under the name of Smart Homes. It is the technology that allows you to always be in control of your home, even if you are thousands of miles away.
Let’s say you have a property in Hialeah with a small garden, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a garage. Well, with the aforementioned technology, you can hire a security service that will install several surveillance cameras, a doorbell with a built-in camera, smoke sensors, motion sensors, a code-controlled key -with remote opening and closing-, smart irrigation, water meter. smart electricity, and a surveillance system connected to police and firefighters.
All this enables you, for example, to get home and open the door using a code, without the need for keys. If someone knocks on the door, you will be able to know who it is from your cell phone and make it through or not, even if you are in another country. You can create temporary or single-use codes so that a family member can access the house when you are not present, it also serves for an electrician or plumber to enter the property to do a certain job, while you are in the office.
Smart Homes can manage irrigation through a computer system, control the consumption of electrical energy, lights, the temperature of the home, and are able to open and close the window curtains from the cell phone.
Parents now have the possibility to check their children, if they were alone in the Smart House.
If an intruder tries to enter without authorization, the system will activate an alarm, film the event and notify the police. The same would happen if it detects smoke or water inside the house.
It is a magnificent idea to turn the home into a Smart Home, of course, without leaving aside the owner’s insurance, whose financial protection faces the unexpected damage that the property may suffer, as a result of a hurricane, a fire, and an act of vandalism. In addition, it helps you to face the lawsuit of a third party for any accident that occurs within the home. Smart Homes: safer and more efficient.
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