The hurricane is coming, how do I protect my car? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

The hurricane is coming, how do I protect my car?

The hurricane is coming, how do I protect my car? The best place for a car when a hurricane is imminent is in an indoor garage. Above all, Florida cars where the minimum coverage required by law is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL). That is, the people involved in an accident and the property of a third party involved in an accident with the insured car are covered. But the damage to the car caused by a falling tree or any other blunt object propelled by the strong winds of a hurricane is not covered.
For this type of damage, there is Comprehensive coverage, known as “all risk insurance”.
Even if you have comprehensive insurance, the most prudent thing to do in the event of a hurricane is to park the car in a safe area.
If the hurricane threatens the area where you live and you decide to evacuate, you must ensure that you park it in a place that you can access, and at the same time, it will not be blocked by branches or other vehicles.
On the other hand, if you decide to stay and live in a building with parking in a basement, move the car to a safe area. The same if your house is located in an area prone to flooding.
The best car parks in the event of a hurricane are those with roofs located on heights, such as those in large shopping centers, or some municipal car parks located in buildings. Many municipal car parks are free while the storm lasts.
It may happen that near your house you cannot find a parking lot with the above characteristics, so you should park your car on a street that does not flood, away from trees, or objects that can be projected by the winds of the hurricane. Make sure that you leave the windows tightly closed, as well as the roof hatch. It is a good idea to cover it with a hail cover to protect it from any impact it may receive.
If despite these measures, your car is damaged and you have “all risk” coverage, claim your insurance and it will take care of the damage, after you pay the corresponding deductible. If you don’t have comprehensive coverage, you’ll have to deal with damage to your car. If you don’t want the same thing to happen to you with another storm, then remember that at Univista Insurance you can get the cheapest auto insurance in Florida. The hurricane is coming, how do I protect my car?

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