10 best-selling cars in the US | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

10 best-selling cars in the US

Top ten best-selling cars in the US, a list with character. Not surprisingly, in the list of the 10 best-selling vehicles in the US last year, the top three positions are occupied by three pickups. The trucks themselves embody the American way of life: “I work hard to achieve the American dream.”

After the pickups, as if instead of a list of best-selling cars it was a separation by segments, the SUVs or SUVs followed and the sedans appeared in the third block.

Yes, the best-selling vehicle in the US was the Ford F-series truck, which sold a whopping 896,526 units. Ford ranked first, despite sales falling by 1.4% from 2018.

With 633,694 units, the RAM truck was the second best-selling car. It showed a growth of 18% compared to the previous year. A sample of the acceptance that has brought about the improvements introduced in their models.

Although the Chevrolet Silverado left 2% in annual sales, it placed 575,600 units on the market and maintained its third place in public preference.

Although the top three is occupied by the segment of North American trucks, the best-selling SUVs in the US are Japanese, occupying the fourth, fifth, and sixth places on this list.

The Toyota RAV4 SUV, which put 448,071 units on the market, experienced a jump of 4.9% compared to 2018. This consolidated it as the best-selling SUV in America. The Honda CR-V followed, after placing 384,168 cars on the roads. And then came Nissan Rogue with 350,447 vehicles sold.

The Chevrolet Silverado, which entered as a wedge to separate the SUV segment from the sedan, managed to sell 346,048 cars and occupy the seventh position.

Yes, the first sedan on this list appears in eighth place. It is the Toyota Camry, which sold 336,978 units. Incidentally, it is the favorite car in Florida. Closing this list are the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla that have sold 325,650 and 304,850 units respectively.

This record would be the equivalent of the most popular vehicles in the US and was prepared by Motor 1 magazine.

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