Why do I need dental insurance? | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

Why do I need dental insurance?

Why do I need dental insurance? Some people doubt about the advantages of contracting dental insurance. They weigh the benefits of having worst-case dental coverage against the downside of being discovered, and at first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much because, they think, “in most cases, the plan’s discounts far outweigh little the price of the treatment bill for someone who is not insured”.
They consider that, in the best scenario, “perhaps in a year they will not need any treatment and only go to the dentist for the two rigorous prophylactic cleanings and undergo scheduled check-ups.” Therefore, the cost of the annual premium could exceed the bill that an uninsured patient would pay for the same services.
The quick conclusion is that, in the worst case scenario, the advantage of being insured is minimal and, when all goes well, it has no advantage. So it’s not worth having dental insurance.
But this conclusion is not entirely correct. Although apparently there is not much difference between being insured or not, those people who live on their check, month to month and do not have money in their savings account, do have advantages when having dental insurance.
In the worst case scenario, in the event of a serious ailment, they would have to pay for the treatment using a credit card. Rest assured that credit interest will eat up the apparent advantage of not having paid a dental insurance premium. Another disadvantage is that your oral health will be in worse condition for not having attended the preventive cleanings that any dental insurance includes. The safest thing is that it will require prolonged and expensive treatments.
But if you can go to your dentist and pay several thousand dollars for treatment, without resorting to credit, dental insurance is not for you. Why do I need dental insurance?

Call us today for a full qualification! (305) 227-9304. You can also quote for free here.