You are on time to buy your flood insurance | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

You are on time to buy your flood insurance

You are on time to buy your flood insurance. The 2021 hurricane season is just around the corner. Officially it starts from June 1 to November 30. This does not mean that large storms accompanied by heavy downpours that endanger your home cannot be formed before.
If you live near the coast, you should be concerned about storm surges and ocean penetrations caused by cyclones. For those who live further inland, heavy rains are the main cause of flooding and therefore the greatest threat to the safety of their home.
On the website, you can check the flood risk of the area where your home is located. However, remember that many water rises occur in areas that are marked as low-risk areas. According to FEMA, 20% of flood claims are generated in moderate-risk areas.
There are two very important facts that every homeowner must take into account. The first is that homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage. Second, those flood policies have a 30-day waiting period. In other words, if you want to have insurance from June 1, you have to purchase it at least on May 1. You are on time to buy your flood insurance.
Don’t waste any more time, call Univista Insurance and buy the cheapest flood insurance on the market. Do not be lazy, remember that 90% of all-natural disasters are accompanied by a flood.

Call us today for a full qualification! 305-267-7138. You can also quote for free here.