You still have time to protect your home against floods | UNIVISTA INSURANCE

You still have time to protect your home against floods

You still have time to protect your home against floods. If you haven’t purchased flood insurance, you should do it now while we haven’t experienced any major catastrophic weather events during this hurricane season.
Keep in mind that typically a flood policy doesn’t take effect until 30 days after signing the contract.
According to FEMA, floods are the most recurrent and costly natural disasters in the US. If you live in a risk zone—which is practically all of Florida—try to acquire a policy that will protect your property and belongings from water penetration damage.
Although a flood can occur anywhere in Florida, an area with a 25% probability of flooding within a 30-year period is considered high risk. Therefore, the justification of those who say, “I’ve been living in this house for 20 years, and it has never flooded,” is not valid.
On the other hand, 25% of water damage claims occur in areas considered low or moderate risk.
If you have any doubts about how to acquire flood insurance, contact an agent at Univista Insurance. You still have time to protect your home against floods.

Call us today for a comprehensive quote! 305-267-7138. You can also get a free quote here.